Gnutella Turbo is a p2p file sharing client built for a reliable downloading process that ensures excellent features including multi-network connection, ghost ratings, configurable queue area, well-thought-out file-management system and more.
The program's interface will charm you instantly due to a well organized structure and a high standard functionality. Figuring out how to search for the files you want, filtering the results or checking the network status couldn't be easier.
Once you have typed in the title of the file you're looking for and hit Start Search Gnutella Turbo will return results within a blink of an eye from the multiple networks it connects to: Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent.
The application also offers a built-in media player for popular audio and video formats. Other features include a chat client and the ability to schedule transfers.
With Gnutella Turbo you can use a very performant file-management system with multiple folders organized into various categories to handle all your downloads and other files stored on your computer much easier.
Gnutella Turbo will grow on you with every time you use it to download your favorite movies, music, games or applications.